Monday, March 28, 2011

25-26-27 The week end of the 7's...

Now, i would love to say that it was a great week end of sport, no booze and plenty of PCP.....but it wasn't....I am surry Patrick but the indulgence really really messed me up...Now, it would been quite easy to have a no nonsense policy over this week booze what so ever and keep up the PCP...then we got our indulgence....ever since taht mail on friday i have been calculatiing/planning how much wine translates in calories and if Vodka is better than wine in terms of how much I can drink vs calories intake....see for 27 days I did not think booze at all....this week end its the only thing i can think of....Managed not to drink friday with the mission to keep my saturday drinking option open.....Did  not go to teh games so I would not be tempted to drink too soon...Anyway, to cut a long story short....i did drink......I had about 3 glasses of wine and then went out and had 1  or maybe 2 vodka's.....So I CHEATED!!! I am not proud of it.....but that is what happened....]

As per the PCP on sunday.....that did not happen....amazing how a little booze can produce the mother of all headaches....spent all day lazying in bed feeling sorry for myself and quite frankly dissapointed I did not hold up for longer....

Oh well....Gonna do bouble the work out on monday!!!


  1. Muhahahaha!!!!
    don't feel sorry for yourself mate!
    I had the same on friday but the exercise is the best medecine!
    With this week exercises, you wont have time to think about boozing + now you knnow that you cant handle drinks!

  2. Agree, move on and look forward to what you can do now...
