Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 51 - no indulgence to report

One wee thing i forgot to mention was that last fiday its was a friends enaggement party and I went along with the intention of not drinking...welll....that did not happen....and nor did the work outs the next day....

anyway, onwards and upwards, anotherr 39 days to go....

excercises are ok, the amount of reps is growing, but again that is ok....Struggled a bit with the push ups towards the last set....

Off to Thailand for a weeks holiday ina  few days...not sure how easy it will be to find milk let alone skimmed milk and yogurt...but ill do my best to find them hahaha

on the plus side Koh tao is soo cheap i wont have to cook, ever..i coudl probably get my own personal chef...hahhahaha...if I like green curry in my boiled eggs that is...


  1. haha... I couldn't help but laugh out when I read your first paragraph...
    Makes me a bit less nervous though; I don't think I could do 90 days without alcohol (or 83 since the first week doesn't really count). Good to see I'm not the only one who's human.

    Thai food's supposed to be pretty healthy right? Have fun!

  2. Wei, its getting very hard not to think of booze....especially when the weather gets better hahahaha....not sure how healthy Thai food is with all the oils and saltyness form teh fish stock...
