Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 43 - the day I lost my sense of humour...

The novelty has worn off, the whole 90 day project feel like an unstoppable torture....never a day off, never any rest and certanly never any respite....I f*cking hate it!!!! 20 lunges??? 50 second planks?? Seriously!!!!! WTF!!!!! I want my life back!!!!

This is the spirit I did my work out yesterday.....my hatred for anythign PCP kept me going....I think its the fact that I hardly get time to adapt to a new regime of excercises and they are changed, so I can never feed my need for positive re inforcent by knowing I can master an excercise without a problem...,,,with PCP I feel I am allways struggling and never achieving any target...I know that this si all in my mind, but i am a creature of habit, i know how to motivate myself and this PCP is not ticking the boxes I need....I am sure Patrick will tell me blog more, or talk more to the group but this might work for some, but not for me....the motivation has to come within....not from peer pressure......another 46 days ahead......

Ok the rant is over and I am feeling a bit better.......but still not a PCP fan this week.....


  1. Success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it.... Success is shy - it won't come out while you're watching.

    ~Tennessee Williams

  2. Feeling your pain dude! Hang in there.
